District and Session Court Narowal Jobs 2021


District and Session Court Narowal Jobs 2021 

Local and parliamentary courts have declared the hottest vacancies on January 22, 2021, through the CTS Central Testing Service in Naroval, Punjab. The Narowal District and Parliamentary Court, as noted below, proposed the creation of jobs. Candidates must meet eligibility criteria to work in these positions. The last day to take advantage of this opportunity is February 11, 2021.

Information on litigation in local and local courts

Newspaper: Jang

Date of publication: January 22, 2021

Organization: District and Parliamentary Court

Number of messages: 97

Education: higher, standard, primary, secondary, literate

Place of work: Punjab, Narowal

Address: Narowal District and Parliamentary Court.

Last time: February 11, 2021


Major Responsibilities Seat occupation level

1. 19th shorthand (BS-16)

2. Library Assistant (BS-16), Issue 02

3. Computer Operator (BS-15) 16

4. Accountant (BS-15) 01

5. Officer (BS-11) Range 26

6. Junior Auditor (BS-11) 01

7. Equipment technician (BS-11) Medium 03

8. Generator operator (BS-08) Matrix 01

9. Imam Mosque (BS-11) 02

10. Moazin / Hadim Mosque (BS-03) Middle 02

11. Chef (BS-05) Beginner 02

12. Naib Kasid (BS-03) Middle 13

13. Mali (BS-03) 2nd literate

14. Nurse / Guard (BS-03) 03 competent

15. Chukidar (BS-03) Literate 04

Step-by-step instructions for use:

Applicants for numbers from 01 to 08 and above can access the CTS official website by clicking below or downloading the application form and deposit form.

These competitors will be selected through CTS.

Applications must be completed by the CTS deadline.

-01 Pledge $ 400 for 01-08 and 12th issues

Numerous applications 09-11 and 13-15 will be approved only with the recommended structure.

Click below to download the program or visit narowal.dc.lhc.gov.pk

Questionnaires No. 09-11 and 13-15 can also be obtained from the workplace.

Candidates had to submit important reports during the meeting.

There is no need to think about flawed archives and adults.

A candidate currently working in the government administration can apply through a legal channel.

Candidates should consider whether their relatives work in this office or not.

Effective February 11, 2021.

-01 Download the form for 01-08 and 12-year-olds

Questionnaire st. No. 09-11 and 13-15

CTS Post Office: Office 414, F2, Jeff Heights, Gulberg III, Lahore, Pakistan.

Phone: 052-500103

District and Session Court Narowal Jobs 2021

Page: narowal.dc.lhc.gov.pk


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